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Thank you for making Festival '17 a night to remember.

When we first started Project ANGEL@LKC just a bare six months ago, we have been working hard to spread the message of autism to as many people as possible. Planning a concert is never an easy move, but that was what we set out to do.

There were so many dark periods whilst we were planning the concert: multiple proposal revisions, website redesigns, concept rehashes. Indeed, there were moments when we lost hope. But we still persisted with a stubborn hope that things finally might change. And it did; not merely because of our hard work, but because of the hard work of the performers, the concert engineers, the sound team, the bands, and the film and photography crew.

To the performers: as time passes and Festival '17: True Colors fades into distant memory, we promise to remember and remind ourselves of your hard work, and the sacrifices and compromises all of us made to become who we are today. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

And to those who supported us by purchasing tickets and attending the concert, we want to thank you for not just attending Festival, but also for supporting our cause.


Finally, we hope that we've brought to light through Festival the importance of fighting for autism. We hope that you would continue spread this message of love without condition to your friends and family, even as Festival becomes a distant memory. The world needs people like yourselves, actively sharing and inspiring others to do good in the face of passivity and armchair empathy.

Thank you once again, and we hope to see you again soon.


the Project ANGEL team



ps. feeling the post-concert blues? You can look back at the spectacular performances through the photos that have been uploaded on our Facebook page here:

crew members:

Jaryl Gan
Yitong Xu

James Tung
the NTU AV technicians
the NTU lighting technicians
the CAC concert engineers

People whom we like to thank 

our performers:

NTU Harmonix

Team 6.5

Shaun Tan

Descendants of the Bun

Emoki Mushroom (of Hall 2)

NTU Salsa

NIE DanceFuzion



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Hello!! We're LKC students striving to benefit persons with moderate to severe autism at St. Andrew's Autism Centre. If you have any enquiries, let us know via the email below, or write us a message to the left.



Instagram: @angelsoflkc


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